Sunday, July 10, 2011
On behalf of CAFEM
Saturday, May 30, 2009
The Adult Learning Principles in our life
Have you ever tried to integrate the adult learning principles in your life? It seems weird to think about them as life principles. Life principles, lifestyle: the adult learning principles are applicable more than in a training environment. In fact, our life itself is a learning event without end: Learning about ourselves, learning about others, learning about the world, learning to live, learning to survive and learning about after life. Obviously, the adult learning principles are applicable to our entire life.
I think about RESPECT anytime I think of another human being. I think about RESPECT when I observe the environment which accommodates us. Respect implies acceptation of our similarities and our differences to go a step further in our life experience. Can you imagine how many times you don’t pay attention to others’ viewpoint while you seem listening? Can you imagine how often you impose your viewpoint instead of discussing or negotiating? It is about respect which brings love and peace in any environment.
I think about DIALOGUE any time I think of another human being. My ears welcome their voice and the harmony flows. Imagine a world where only YOU can speak! Imagine a world where you never listen! Imagine a world where you give without having ever received anything! Imagine a world without dialogue and tell me for how long you will keep saying “I love you” without hearing “I love you too”. Dialogue is love’s expression; dialogue is the language of love.
I think of my own SAFETY every day I wake up. Thinking of my own safety makes me think that others also care about their safety. Safety is peace in a living environment. Our instinct of human being draws us to everything safe and push us far away unsafe environment. Anytime you ignore somebody, anytime you insult somebody or you don’t give to someone what he deserves you don’t play it safe. The survival of the Human Species depends on: safe place, safe people, safe sex, safe life, safe environment, etc… Everyone has an active role to play to make the world a safer place to live.
I think about ENGAGEMENT every day I wake up. Every morning, I think of what I have to do in order to let my life goes on. I do it, I’m happy! I know I can do it, my self-esteem increases! You too, you want to DO, you want to see your accomplishment, you’re proud of your success and knowing what you can DO increase your learning, your experience and your self-esteem assets. Give opportunity to people with whom you work and live: to DO what they like, to DO what they learn, to take risks and fully live their life experience.
The adult learning principles are a source of life. They are nutrients to breastfeed harmony and to feed love in our heart and our soul. Do you want to know more about the application of the adult learning principles in your life? Take a few minutes and tell me how any of the other adult learning principles relates to your life and to your interaction with others!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Laborde te bon tou
Nan CAFEM, nou fè fomasyon apre fomasyon! Chak semenn, chak mwa, nou nan fomasyon, nap fè fomasyon. Deviz nou, se pou tout patisipan satisfè! Deviz nou, se delivre bon jan kalite sèvis tout kote nou pase! Si n ta pran bloge sou tout seminè nou fè, nou pa tap domi lannwit. Tout sa pou m di zanmi Laborde ki te tanmen fè jalouzi yo, dezole si nou pran ta pou poste sa ki an rapo ak fomasyon pa yo a.
Blog sa se pou nou, nou te di: "CAFEM bliye nou"! Men li, CAFEM pa bliye nou, menm jan CAFEM pa janm bliye okenn zanmi ki patisipe nan seminè li. CAFEM pap janm bliye nou paske CAFEM aprann nan men nou menm jan nou aprann nan men CAFEM. Mwen di Laborde te bon tou si nou kwè mwen manti, mande moun ki te la.
Zanmi ki te la ka fè komantè pa yo tou. Men, kite m di nou: Sa fè preske 4 mwa depi mwen te viv esperyans "bon jan prensip pou fè fomasyon pou granmoun" yo avè nou. Chak fomasyon pa menm, menm lè tèm nan ka menm, chak grenn moun anplis ki la pote grenn sèl pa yo pou fè li gen pi bon gou. Nan Laborde gou yo te melanje menm jan sa rive byen souvan. Gou yo te melanje paske yon lot fwa anko CAFEM te komanse aprann depi avan fomasyon an te komanse. Men aprantisaj sa tou te gen yon lot gou paske mwen te viv pou lapremye fwa yon esperyans ke mwen pa janm bliye.
Ou menm kap li a, si w pa fomatè ou se yon pwofesyonèl! Kite m di w: Imajine ou debake nan yon peyi pou fè yon fomasyon epi lè ou desann avyon, ou tande okenn valiz pa vini, okenn malèt pa rive. Kisa wap fè? Kisa wap di? Li deja 4 trè nan lapremidi, ou gen pou komanse bonè nan demen. Enben, se konsa fomasyon sa te tanmen sou plas nan ti avyasyon Okay la. Zo kalbas tèt nou te komanse travay nan CAFEM pou imajine, kisa nou pral fè paske okenn materyèl fomasyon pa rive epi tou rad nou pa vini.
Bèl bagay! Enben, yon lot fwa nou te aprann enpotans bon jan dyalog, enpotans kolaborasyon, enpotans respè ak bon volonte. Oganizatè yo te konprann sa e te pèmèt an ouvran labouch nou fè kèk kopi sou plas epi fasilite la tach pou materyèl yo te rive nan demen maten avan midi. CAFEM pa t kontan jan sa te pase a paske nou te wont devan zanmi yo, men nou remèsye yo anpil paske yo te konprann sitiyasyon an.
Men pi bèl leson an, se ke fomatè oblije toujou gen yon plan de rechanj; si sa pa mache kisa wap fè. Fomatè oblije fleksib, si ou dwe chanje yon aktivite sou plas, fok ou abil pou fè sa, fok ou louvri lespri ou pou fè sa. Ansanm ak Jean zanmi mwen nan CAFEM, nou pa byen domi lannwit sa pou prepare flipchat ki rete nan avyon ak pou asire nou ke nou gen yon plan de rechanj pou fè tout aktivite yo annatandan materyèl yo rive.
Enben, tout bagay te byen pase! Tout patisipan yo te kolabore, tout moun te fè fomasyon sa yon evènman pou n pa janm bliye. Te gen moun ki soti nan divès pwogram: Sante, Ledikasyon, Agrikilti, elatriye... Te gen fanm kou gason ki sot nan divès rejyon nan peyi a. Men lè ou antre nan sal la, tout moun te fè yon sèl, pa t gen diferans. Tout moun tap pale yon sèl lang: dyalog! Tout moun tap fè lwanj prensip pou fè fomasyon pou granmoun yo, tout moun te chante, tout moun te danse. Pa panse yo pa aprann tou: TOUT MOUN APRANN ANPIL paske nan fomasyon CAFEM yo patisipan yo pratike la menm sa yo vin aprann nan. Yo pratike pandan yap amize yo, yo pran plezi pou yo aprann paske yo santi yo lakay yo. Lè m di nou li te bon an, li te bon. Laborde te bon, Gen kèk lot moman ki te make m, tankou: aktivite fomasyon gwoup yo te ekri, chante gwoup yo te konpoze, tankou defile de mod la (Marjorie videyo pa w la ap vini pa imel), tankou poèm patisipan yo te ekri pou remèsye CAFEM, elatriye...
Mwen pa bliye anyen ditou. Pou tout moun ki vle rafrechi memwa yo, gade kèk lot foto ak videyo epi apre nap di menm jan avè m: Laborde te bon tou!
Petèt, ou fin li blog sa men ou pa te la. Si ou nan sitiyasyon sa, klike sou videyo annapre yo, epi wa di m ou menm kisa ou panse.
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Friday, March 6, 2009
The face of changes
From Another face of Haiti |
I’ve been traveling almost all my life: from my native village to the closest town, from this town to the capital and from the capital to overseas. It takes me as many trips to understand what keeps me traveling and moving. I’ve seen it many times, it’s visible and tangible. It is all about changes and it is “changes”.
Changes in my life but mostly changes in the life of people I’m working with. I’ve worked with a lot of people and the more I work with them the more changes I’ve seen. They work with a lot of people, the more they transfer what they learn, the more they create changes in others’ life too. My profession selects me, I didn’t choose it. It takes me some time to realize why I keep doing it without ever thinking about changing. Now I realize “changes” again boost me to change others’ future.
The changes are visible and tangible. During my short life trip, I’ve seen “changes” in the performance of this Field Agent whom I met some months ago who have not felt confident to talk and now who brings hopes for millions of women in the middle of nowhere in Africa. I’ve seen changes in the face of those women who were afraid of money, who were so shy months ago and now who dare ask for a big loan and discuss about how to solve their own problems. I’ve seen “changes” in those organizations which serves these women when they believe more and more in the fundamental role they can play to change life of millions poor people. I’ve seen changes in the way that I think about changes.
I know that those “changes” change me too. They change the way I’m trying to help people to change their life. They change the way I’m trying to listen and understand the way they want to change their life. The dynamic of changes need people who are opening to “change” and to learn. The greatest changes help others to self-help and increase their self-confidence to keep traveling in the road of changes.
There is no border in the road of changes if not the limit of our creativity. There is no border in the road of changes if not our lack of commitment to provoke changes. Everyone can make this trip and take others to this trip. There is no greater experience than working or living in an environment where you can experiment changes. What if each of us commits to help improve life of another or commit to help as many as we can change take control of their future? Changes will change face and will change our way of life to create more changes. What does it take? It takes us to see the world with the lens of changes! It takes us to change ourselves!
Words for a better WORLD !!!
How often do you think about those words?
Not that often! I believe that if you take some time every day to leave a room for those words, the world can be different. Thinking is not enough but might keep you accountable to give, to collaborate, to respect.
You can start today and do you best to improve tomorrow! One word at a time: Engage, collaborate, change, cope, be proud! Those words sound strong, send a positive energy and give hope for a humanity full of dignity.
Life can be different if we decide to smile, sing, dance, pray, exercise, cherish, laugh. I love those words; they reflect peace and love.
You may have other strong and positive words! But dream of being congruent, don't only think, practice all those one word at a time. One word a day in practice can make a huge difference.
Those are my words for a better world, what are yours?
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Souvni Lilavach
Anpil moun ka gen lot souvni pa yo. Men sa ki pi bèl nan fomasyon Lilavach la se ke souvni yo komanse anvan menm fomasyon an komanse. Deja rive sou waf Okay, tout moun pa t ka ri anko, gen zanmi ki te pè ti bato, gen lot ki tap kontanple vag lanmè, genyen ki tap priye BonDye pou yo te ka tounen ti zwazo pou travèse lanmè a.
Sa ki te pi bon an se ke tout moun te gen yon sèl objektif: "Ateri Lilavach pou al benyen nan basen aprantisaj CAFEM nan". Ou di mwens se sa ki te nan tèt pa m! Fwa sa a, pisin CAFEM nan te sou yon zile, pat gen benyen, pat gen naje san janbe dlo. Lè premye ti bato a ale, kè m te tanmen sote, mwen wè li tap balanse de bò. Lè m mande nan ki bato nou menm nou prale, kè m te pi sote ankò. Mwen pa t vle kwè zanmi ki te di m: "se nan ti bato jon wap gade lòt bò a".
Tan tap pase, nou te toujou sou waf lè ti bato jon tap goumen pou akoste. La marin pa metye m men li pa te fasil ditou. Mesye yo te lite e plis yo tap lite se plis kè m tap bat fò. Lè konsa, nèg pa ka pale anpil! Se veye lè, se tann pou tann. Moso patisipan yo deja nan fon lanmè a, yo deja preske rive sou zile a, wè pa wè fok mwen ale tou. Chat pran lang mwen, mwen tap tann tou pa m pou monte dlo. Nan vizyon mwen, fomasyon an te gentan ap fèt sou waf la. Se sèlman yon sitiyasyon konsa ki te ka met vizyon sa nan tèt mwen: fomasyon sou waf, fomasyon nan bay klèb! Fomasyon tout kote, sof lot bò lanmè a sou zile mwen te swete al konnen an.
Fomasyon an pat ka sou waf! Fomasyon an pat ka ak mwatye nan patisipan yo! Fok mwen te pran lanmè a. Mwen monte ti bato tou dousman san pale. Vag lanmè a te bèl paske m renmen lanmè, vag lanmè a pa t two fò pou je m gade paske m renmen espektak sa. Men paske m te nan ti bato a, mwen te twouve vag yo twò fò: Mwen pa di yon mo! Bato a poko deplase, mwen te anvi rive! Mwen pa rache yon mo, mwen fèmen kamera a.
Mwen pat tande vag yo paske kè m tap bat two fò! Gen moun ki tap pale zafè reken, gen lot ki tap pale zafè "bagay", gen lot ki tap lapriyè nan kè yo, gen lòt ki tap mande pou maren yo navige pi vit. Mwen renmen gaz kole, men gaz kole sa resi pa t fè m byen. Li pa t pran tan pou zanmi yo te remake silans mwen! Li pa t pran tan pou yo te tanmen farouche m. Patisipan sa yo pa respekte fòmatè! Ala bèl bagay! Fòmatè sa pa gen pwoblèm ak patisipan li yo. Se bèl bagay. Ah! Yo pa t manke m: "Edouine pa pale menm", "Edouine pa ka filme anko", "A pa w te kapon"... Pawol sa yo tap rezonnen nan tèt mwen, men nan tèt mwen te gen yon sèl kesyon: "Kilè map rive?" Toutan map vanse, mwen wè zile a tap fè bak... Lè nou resi rive a, nou ta dwe deja rive.
Kad la te bèl, Lilavach byen bèl kote m te ale a. Kom mwen se moun nan nò, la menm mwen te sonje Labadee. Se pa fin menm bagay, men imaj Labadee te vin nan tèt mwen. Lè m rive, olye mwen panse a fomasyon an, mwen te pito komanse mande tèt mwen "kijan tounen an pral ye!". Apre kèk èdtan sou zile a, mwen te resi plonje tèt mwen ankò nan fomasyon an: Sal pou ranje, pwogram pou revize, odinatè ak videyo pwojektè pou teste, madanm ak pitit pou rele nan telefon... premye nwit la te byen kout. Demen maten, se te yon plezi pou wè solèy la kap leve, pou wè vag kap karese lanmè a, pou wè pye kokoye kap fè van pou ti zwazo ak bèl flè kap souri pou bote. Si w ta renmen wè tout sa mwen te wè pandan semenn sa, rense zye ou...
Fomasyon an pat selman sa! Pa t gen selman bote lanati ak kè sote mwen. Mwen gen nan tèt mwen yon bèl souvni tout gwoup la ki te travay di, ki te kolabore pou fòmasyon an reyisi. Pifò moun pa t janm al nan lanmè ni nan pisin; Yo te sou zile a pou aprann pi plis kijan pou fè bon jan fomasyon pou granmoun. Ou pa ta panse sa! Yo travay di lajounen kou lannwit! Yo bay blag, yo trase rivyè lavi yo, yo ekri seyans fomasyon pas yo, yo anime seyans yo... Ke w te la, ke w pa te la, foto annapre yo se pou ou...
Si wap tann pou rakonte koman tounen an te ye sou lanmè a, kite m di w: li te dous!
M ale, klike sou "comments" pou esplike souvni pa ou. Yon kout chapo pou tout moun ki te la!